Continuous integration with Flutter and GitHub ActionsTo allow for collaboration in a repository, it is useful to have continuous integration to automatically check that code merges follow the…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Published inFlutterImproving perceived performance with image placeholders, precaching, and disabled navigation…Perceived performance is how fast an application feels to the user. This article covers three strategies that you can use in your…May 26, 20203May 26, 20203
Published inFlutterOptimizing performance in Flutter web apps with tree shaking and deferred loadingFor the best user experience it is important that an app loads fast. The initial load time of a Flutter web application can be improved by…May 19, 20207May 19, 20207
Published inFlutterFlutter web: Navigating URLs using named routesNamed routes can be used to navigate between pages inside a Flutter mobile app, but they also work for URLs in Flutter web apps. This…Mar 30, 20208Mar 30, 20208